She tastes with me… 
She stirs with me…

And she makes a big ol’ kitchen island mess with me (and then we try to convince Jamie to clean it all up…)
Doesn’t that sound like the best thing since Cote-du-Rhone in a box?!
Except for cleaning bits of egg and butternut squash out of my hair, it is pretty great. I’m not against chicken fingers and French fries (because we do that too… only when Jamie isn’t looking) but, in general, I like to know what’s going in Parker’s food. So I- we– make it all ourselves.
Now I have a class at ICE to teach you how to cook up the best bits for your little ones. Mommies, you asked for it. Here is my answer!
ICE: Make Your Own Baby & Toddler Food At Home
Brooke may be known for her couples cooking cuisine with chef-husband, James Briscione, but she can also whip up delicious, healthful food for the littlest members of the family. In this class, you’ll learn how to roast, sauté and puree organic food for your tots. Not only will you cut your grocery bill in half, you will reduce your child’s sodium and sugar intake. An added bonus, Brooke will show you how to add herbs and spices to transform baby’s dinner into sophisticated bites for you and your partner. You’ll use the freshest produce to make Sweet Pea Mash; Butternut Squash Puree; Cilantro and Honey Roasted Carrot Bits; Healthy Granola; Quick and Easy Tot Pastas and much more! Students will receive OXO Tot Baby Blocks Freezer Storage Containers.
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