James and I cook together all the time. And we think you should join us…

It’s never a chore, but an adventure, just as long as he chops the onions and…

you and I sip the wine!

Kidding, kidding… I am totally fine chopping onions and mincing garlic on Tuesdays of an “R” month when the temperature is a mild 72 degrees. But only then!

Cooking is the most delicious adventure we can think of, so why not learn from 2 cooks who spend way too much time in the kitchen? And since you’re going to be there, why not invite your honey?

Our ‘Wine & Whisky’ and ‘Whole Hog & Bourbon’ evenings with GILT City have been months in the making. Now, we’re so happy to invite everyone (okay, probably just those who live in the tri-state area) to cook & sip & sup with us!

Click over to GILT CityJust Married & Cooking @ ICE– and nab a spot at our kitchen and at our table!